Sunday, November 13, 2011

As Americans

Struggles and Challenges by Minority groups:
As an American Muslim i have been through many struggles and challenges all through my life. However not only am i struggled by this issue, I also see a lot of different minorities are being faced by many harassment's towards other religions, and race's. These types of harassment's hurt one another, and also they are struggling whenever they are young and grow up. Mainly struggles and challenges are directing to African Americans, and women in general. These races, and gender were treated badly back in the days when they treated Black's as slaves and Woman as not equal to men.

African American: For hundreds of years, African Americans were captured from Africa and were brought to every other country to be sold as slaves. This was one of the biggest issues in America. This issue not only treated them as animals, they also beat them and did not even think of their feelings. White men we're their owners and their masters, and if they did not listen to them then something bad would happen. Many Blacks tried to run away, and if they got caught then they were screwed. However Martin Luther King came along, and fixed this issue from his speech "I had a Dream" this speech is now a somewhat holiday for the African Americans freedom. Although African Americans still struggle, but they still have their own rights, opportunities and freedom just as much as any other white man.

Women: Back in the 1900's, women were not treated badly, but they did not have equality. Women were treated as a wife that stays home, cooks, cleans and takes care of the children. Women could not work, vote as men. Women have stood up and made a Civil Rights Movement that was created by Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton which was also to have the right for voting. In 1919 they have achieved equality in education and employment. However still today they have became close to gaining equal rights, but white men are still on the top.

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